1. Today I just kept making clean water and cooked beets to keep my thirst bar and hunger bar high. Seagulls kept coming to my crop farm so I crafted a scarecrow. But before that, I needed to make a research table. And a research table allows me to create new recipes. I also made a bed so I can sleep through the night because it was kind of annoying to gather materials in the dark.
2. I learned how to reel in more items than just one at a time. (It's simple but took me a bit time to find out) I did it by waiting for the items to attach itself to the hook and pulled it all in at the same time. I also learned that I can keep the sharks away by using a wooden spear. I had to hit it 4 times in order for the sharks to back off. And I can use the building hammer and hold right click, and repair the 'bitten' foundation. I learned how to use the research table too.
3. Tomorrow I will focus on trying to get onto an island or another raft... That's my next goal because I think I can gather new things on there or maybe just get more supplies. And if I can, I will expand more so the things I've crafted like a grill, will be in the center so sharks won't be able to get to it. Today I finished making a research table but then the shark ate it. So I had to craft another one and learned my lesson to not put the things at the edge.
I expanded my raft's foundations quite a bit. I also placed most of the things NOT AT THE EDGE because sharks will get to it. New things I've made today - Scarecrow, Bed, and Research Table.