Friday, 12 October 2018

Friday Post - October 12, 2018 - Photoshop Tutorials

The photos I used were...

I created...

An alien inside a mirror portal looking at out at the fire.

First, I added the background first and left it there. Then I added the picture of the alien and cropped him out from his background using the quick selection tool [W] After I have the alien selection highlighted, I right click and click on the option layer via copy, which made a new layer of my cutout.  Since the cut wasn't 100% accurate, I used the brush tool [B] to clean it up a bit. After that, I added the mirror in, and used the transform tool [CTRL + T] to place it into the fire. I then dragged every layer under the background layer because I changed the background to 'Screen' settings, which made everything blend together. Since the alien in the original image only had half of his body showing, it didn't fully fit the mirror so I selected the bottom part of mirror, which had half of his body missing, I used the 'Polygonal Lasso Tool' to select it, then I went into the toolbar at the very top and went to Edit > Fill > Content-Aware > Ok. The last part I just added my blog address above the background layer so it doesn't blend into the background like the other layers.